90 Seconds to Midnight

You've probably heard of the Doomsday Clock., which has been a thing since the 1940s. Every year a scientific panel set the clock at the time they consider that we may have left until Armageddon. The most optimistic it's been set at is 17 minutes to midnight, but last year, and again this year, it's... Continue Reading →


About 20 years ago I published three books in fairly quick succession. One was about the End Times. a second was an attempt to make the Book of Revelation more accessible for those who struggle to read it, and the third was about the Church. Since then many people have asked me when I was... Continue Reading →


On October 18th 1966 The Evangelical Alliance organised the Second National Assembly of Evangelicals, which was held at Westminster Central Hall in London. This comprised 3 days of talks and discussions, but it opened with Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones giving the first Address. Dr Lloyd-Jones was nearing the end of his 30 year ministry at Westminster... Continue Reading →


I didn't write a blog at the end of last year listing the books I'd read. There were two reasons. One, though I read my usual 40 books (or thereabouts) it wasn't a great reading year. I did enjoy, The Lincoln Highway by Amor Towles, which would definitely be my book of the year. I'm... Continue Reading →

Winning the Lottery

I’ve met three people who’ve won the lottery, or more accurately three people who’ve had a win on the lottery. When the lottery began in 1994 I was extremely irritated by a remark made by one government minister that everyone would know someone who’d had a win within three weeks. I remember speaking to my... Continue Reading →


I really like portraits. On visits to London, over the years, I've several times gone into the National Portrait Gallery, right next door to the world famous National Gallery, just to gaze at the faces that have been painted. If I had serious money that I wanted to splash out on luxuries, I'd definitely buy... Continue Reading →


The book of Revelation is so often ignored as too difficult to understand or too much the happy hunting ground for religious fanatics with strange ideas. But it is surely so relevant in terms of what is happening in the world order at this present chaotic and alarming time in history. The three 7s of... Continue Reading →


I don't know how many 'famous' churches there are in the UK but among Believers there are quite a number that would be 'well known'. Recently a friend told me of a couple he'd been speaking to who said they were no longer going to church on a Sunday morning as it interfered with their... Continue Reading →


TWITTER I’ve had a very active Twitter account for many years. I follow Sharron Davies, the well known swimmer and commentator and previously an Olympic athlete. She tweets a great deal about fairness in Sport and seeing the participation of trans women in some sports is pretty outraged on behalf of women athletes who she... Continue Reading →


As a young Christian sitting through a Baptist Church service the idea of someone going to the loo during the service probably never crossed my mind. I'm sure that in the Church I grew up in that many of the congregation wouldn't even have known where the loos were situated! In and out in an... Continue Reading →

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